Pentecostal Fire Conference April 8-10, 2022

Pentecostal Fire Conference April 8-10, 2022

God is moving across the Earth right now. The word "revival" is becoming more and more commonplace. This is exciting... and concerning.

Revival is not stirring music and an inspiring message.
Revival is not lots of people coming to a church, attending multiple campuses, or filling big buildings.
Revival is not excitement or emotionalism.
Revival is not a series of special meetings or gatherings.

Revival, at least as the Lord has been speaking to me, is simple:

When the people of God return to the standard of the Early Church.

What is this standard? Pentecost.

It's a joy to host this gathering with my friends, Pastors Paul and Kim Owens of Fresh Start Church, as I believe the Lord has raised them up in this generation to call the people of God back to the standard of Pentecost.

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Pentecostal Fire Conference April 8-10, 2022