Tending the Fires of Intercession

Tending the Fires of Intercession

This Tending the Fires of Intercession class is in the Chamber of Intimacy Series: Blueprints for Prayer | Prelude to Revival. Your prayers really do make a difference—and every act of intercession matters! When God’s people send “up” the incense of prayer and worship, God sends “down” supernatural power, anointing, and acts of intervention. Prayer invites the presence of God—distinguishing God’s people from all other people on earth and mobilizing the gospel of Jesus.

Through prayer, God enables and empowers you to: wait with Him and receive His burden, birth His purposes into being, protect His promises by warring over them, and become a watchman for the days in which we live. These lessons will show you just how vital your prayers are, give you courage to pray for the “impossible,” and help you find persistence to see your prayers to completion.

Learn how intercession:

GIVES you a place of spiritual favor before Heaven and Earth.
EMPOWERS you to pray in alignment with God’s heart and unleash Kingdom solutions into your life.
ENABLES you to plead your case and make appeals in the courts of Heaven.
USHERS you into a lifestyle where supernatural encounters start becoming normal.
If you desire to have a burning passion for prayer and to see authentic revival sweep the land, get ready to be mentored in the kind of prayer that partners with God to transform your world! This is the season for us to mount the walls with prayer and praise and restore the lost art of intercession. As you work through these lessons and put them into practice, you will learn to keep the fire burning continually on the altar of prayer—so it will NEVER go out!

Tending the Fires of Intercession