Anointed to Bless - Session 4
The subject matter of this new coaching course, Anointed to Bless, is so close to my heart! Ron and I love to bless others. It is also a value deeply instilled in our ministry. Whether it is helping a family in need with some much needed provision, or helping to sponsor an international crusade that will reach thousands, we have experienced – many times multiplied – the abundant blessings of both receiving and giving.
This is God’s purpose and desire for everyone of His children. It is an anointing within everyone’s reach! He, who has lavished all the “riches of His grace” upon us (Ephesians 1:8) desires that we, as His heirs, lavish on others the abundant blessings we have received from Him. Indeed, we are blessed to bless! Then we will be blessed more, so we can bless even more, and the increase continues on both ends.
Your new course is full of sound biblical principles regarding blessing – both being blessed and blessing others. I also share personal experiences and lessons I have learned along the away. I firmly believe that by the time you have completed it, if there was any area of resistance or fear in your heart regarding giving, the chains will be broken and you will be looking for that first person or cause to whom you can become a benefactor. Oh, what an exciting life awaits you as God’s Benefactor! I will be eager to hear your testimonies.
Be blessed!
Dr. Patricia King