Discerning the Spirit Realm for Intercession, Warfare, Awakening
Attend this Digital Live Stream Conference Event to…
Awaken intercession in our nation, Engage in strategic level spiritual warfare, Train the body of Christ, Impart wisdom and understanding of prophecy.
For this conference, we have invited those who have been lead pioneers in spiritual warfare, prophecy and transformation, including Rebecca Greenwood, Larry Sparks, Jane Hamon, Dutch Sheets, Kim Owens, Patricia King, Corey Russel and Jon Hamill. The Ekklesia has to take its place in history and be activated in intercession. We believe these speakers hold a key to this equipping of intercessors and praying people. Our Worship Leaders Steve Swanson and Catherine Mullins.
Now is the time to join us for this Awakening Wells of Revival Conference: Discerning the Spirit Realm for Intercession, Warfare and Awakening and to receive an impartation prophetic warfare strategy!!!